

Done done done done done done DONE with the book from hell. The never ending book. The one that just wouldn’t end. 53 pages over projected page count. FINISHED.



I hate when

I’m hungry, and there’s nothing in the house to eat (even though my pantry and fridge is full of stuff) but ya know, there’s nothing I WANT to eat so I grumble and whine (ok not that I need an excuse to do either)

So, I’m hungry and whiny and I need to work. I was actually happy with yesterday’s effort. I got a lot of detail oriented shit out of the way, and crossing stuff off lists is almost as fun as writing one.

I think I’m gonna proposition my hubby (for lunch!) and see if he wants a date. See, that’s one thing I love so much about the kids all being in school now. I can go out to eat with my husband for lunch and not have to cut anyone’s food, moderate any squabbles or grit my teeth through 14 “I’ve changed my mind, I don’t want chicken, I want a hamburger” It’s one hour of the day when I can enjoy adult conversation.

Another list (just cause I like me so much)

Yesterday’s list was more of a “What I need to get done in the next couple of months” Today’s list is strictly for stuff I need to get done TODAY.

1. Talk to my web designer
2. Fill out blurb and cover art form for Undenied God, that was painful!
3. Talk to the Writeminded girls about a promo thing we’re doing
4. Write at least 20 pages Ahem 10 pages now


I’m not generally an anal person. I think some degree of organization is required and well, I fail miserably at anything resembling organization. So it might be contradictory when I say I LOVE lists. I like making lists. It’s something I do quite often. See, they make me FEEL organized even though I know I’m not. They make me feel like I have some control (when in fact I don’t) but I get a nice calm, comfy feeling when I make them.

So uhm I make them a lot. They usually get discarded. I don’t think I’ve ever actually FOLLOWED one, and I change them often. It’s just the act of laying out in black and white and itemizing things I need to do. I visit Jaci’s blog on Mondays because her lists give me the warm fuzzies. (I’m a sick sick person)

So my latest list went something like this:

1. Finish Undenied
2. Finish Dark Desires
3. Write next Berkley proposal
4. Finish Brazen
5. Do mini ARCS for RT
6. Do promo packets for For Her Pleasure
7. Figure out my Romance Sells Ad
8. Set up my office
9. Find roommate for RWA

Eh well, one out of nine ain’t bad right? And I’ll get to cross of number one on the list Wednesday :banana: As for the rest, I’ll see them on future lists. At least a dozen more times before I actually get them done.

More cover goodness

Sick of this yet? :lol2:

Here’s the third version. And hey, Anne, they toned down the blur! :purplelaugh:

Cover Redux

So here is the new cover for “For Her Pleasure.” What do you think? I’ve had split opinions so far :lol2: It’s running about 50/50 on whether the new one is better than the old one. BUT I do think it is an improvement over the first one because my original issues have been erased with the new one, so maybe it’s just me, but hey, I’m neurotic that way.

Big Deep Ahhh

It’s gorgeous here today. 70 degrees. Bright blue skies. Im so itching to hit the beach and do some fishing :fishing: It’s just as well that the water is still a tad too cold because I have lots more writing to do. Uhm like writing nonstop until May or so :oops:

The good news? Wes’s story Undenied has taken shape and I’m having a lot of fun writing it. This story has undergone some major changes since its inception. I think I’ve ditched no less than a dozen plot lines because none of them felt right. None of them captured the tone and feel that I envisioned for the characters. I should be finished up with this one by early next week. :drunk: I’d say I would take a break and throw a partay but I have two other projects that I’ve been working on that have looming deadlines. So uhm anyway, Im thinking around the end of May or so? I’m gonna have one hell of a throw down. Should be just in time for vacation. :banana:

So anyway, back to Wes. He’s soooo yummy. I lurve him. And his heroine so takes him in hand and knocks him for a loop :lol2: This story wraps up my novella trilogy that began with Understood, and so I’ll be laying these characters to rest. :crying: But then I get to concentrate on some other really yummy stories so I’ll get over it quick :purplelaugh:

Believe it or not

I’m looking forward to Monday. Anything to close the door on this past week. It’s been stressful and an all around degree of ickiness to it. I got a lot of writing done on my Berkley book, but not as much as I wanted. The problem is, when I have emotional stressors, I don’t work well. I’m not able to shut everything out and crank out the pages. So yeah, my productivity has a LOT to do with my emotional well being :eatchoc:

Starting tomorrow, I’m on a short deadline to finish one of my writing projects. Now I just have to hope all the ickies and stressors stay away :lol2:


Day 2 of me kicking my own ass is going well. Not quite as well as yesterday since I had my page count done before noon. I still have a few left on today’s goal but I plan to have those done before bed. The cool thing is I’m getting back into the story. This is my second Berkley book and has a tentative release date of May 2008. I wrote the proposal back in November so it took me a bit to immerse myself back into the story. The working title is Dark Desires but no idea if that’ll stick or not. I’m very unused to coming up with titles before I finish the story.

My brain is also actually cooperating with me (Ok not fully but I’ll cut it some slack since it’s only blanking on ONE of my projects) and I have an idea cooking for my next Berkley proposal. So at least I won’t have to worry about getting down to the wire and having nuttin’.

I’m also trying to decide when to put up a blurb and excert for “For Her Pleasure.” I’m thinking maybe around March or so. I’ve said so little about this story to anyone other than my editor, agent and writing pal, but I’m very excited about it. It was very hard to finish those stories because I so hated to say goodbye to the characters.

Oh and before I go, Jessica Jarman’sThe Boy Next Door” just released from Samhain, and it’s a fantastic read. Incorporates one of my fave themes, friends to lovers :guitar:

Pre Monday funk

I’m already dreading Monday and it’s still Sunday night. It’s because I got a start on my “to do” list early and not only did I make this to do list but I made a freaking calendar. (That thump you hear is Amy fainting from shock that I would so something so eeriely ORGANIZED)

Monday is day one of the kick ass writing schedule/calendar. In theory, it’s simple. I follow the road map, then I get from point A to point B. Couldn’t be easier. Uh yeah. I like this in theory. It remains to be seen if I actually follow through with it.

At least Im getting all itchy again, which means I’m dying to get writing. I need one good burst of mania that lasts through May 1 :lol2: (I don’t ask for much I know)

If you’re interested in winning a free book, your choice of Colters’ Woman or Caught by Cupid, hop over to Writeminded. But make it fast. I’m drawing the winner at noon CST :banana: