Wow, you guys are so amazing! My digital only release of Colters’ Daughter hit the USA Today bestseller list AND it also hit the NYT ebook bestseller list. All because of you and your enthusiasm. You have my heartfelt thanks. I couldn’t do this without your support and it means the world to me.
Hitting the lists with an ebook is more exciting than I can possibly express. I LOVE ebooks. I love epublishing. Epublishing has allowed me the freedom to write stories that might not otherwise be picked up by a more traditional publisher and they’ve been embraced by you the reader and YOU have made the books successes. Not me. I can write to my heart’s content but that doesn’t make them bestsellers. Only readers can do that and I’m so appreciative that you’ve made MY books bestselling titles.
The Colters’ Legacy books have been special from the beginning. Colters’ Woman struck a chord with so many readers and you made it by far my most successful, bestselling title of any books I’ve written. I owe much to the readers who took a chance on me several years ago when this story came out. You bought it, you talked about it. You then bought my subsequent releases and you’ve remained so steadfastly loyal and I simply do not have the words to tell you how much I love each and every one of you.
Epublishing will always hold a special place in my heart no matter where my career takes me and I’ll never forget that in a lot of ways, Colters’ Woman is responsible for much of my success.
Thank you for buying and supporting Colters’ Daughter! I know it’s different from the other two books in the series and I appreciate your willingness to give it a chance anyway.
Because of you an EBOOK landed on those bestseller lists and because of you, a whole lot more digital only authors will climb those lists too.
Much love,