
My kids are SO generous

They share everything with me. EVERYTHING. Including the stomach virus that they’ve taken turns coming down with for the last week. :puke:

And it’s raining today. First day of spring break. And it’s gonna rain tomorrow. And Wed… :crying:

I’m so going back to bed. :sack:

Spring Break

The kids are out for Spring Break all next week. Of course, we kicked off the break a little early because they were all home SICK Friday. :cursesign: Middle child was up the entire night before puking. Youngest was up all night coughing. NO ONE in the house slept worth a darn, so I snuggled up on the couch with the two younger kiddos all Friday morning and we snoozed.

Hopefully everyone will feel better by the time the weekend’s over with. Hubby is taking off and we’re gonna go do some fishing :fishing:

The weather has been beautiful here for the last week so I’m just hoping it holds for the break. Sunny, blue skies and temps in the 70s/80s. It’s been gorgeous! Today we’re grilling filets :chowtime:. Somtimes there’s just nothing better than a good barbeque and a tall glass of tea :guitar:

Happy Weekend everyone!

Why is it…

that a printer will work just fine as long you’re fucking around and printing non-important stuff. But the minute you need to actually print something that MATTERS, it wants to get all pissy. :cursesign:

Nah I don’t REALLY need to print something like 9 thousand pages for mini ARCs. :shoot:

Wednesday's scattered thoughts

Watched AI last night. Wasn’t that impressed. But then as a whole, this year’s offerings? Eh. Yeah, I know, that whole subjective thing (like we aren’t beat over the head much with THAT concept in the writing world) I still like Blake and Chris. They don’t have that whole bland personality thing going and they really do have talent.

I got the second version of my cover for Undenied yesterday. Anne and I had a really funny conversation about the first cover she sent me. The concept was there. She did a fantastic job of giving me what I wanted. The problem was the guy on the cover. He was…for the lack of a better term…fruity looking. He had this funky smirk. He was too pretty and too preppy. He was dressed up in some kind of evening suit. In other words he was completely wrong for the hero. :headscratch:

When I wrote back to Anne, I told her that my hero was a t-shirt wearing, football loving, beer drinking, good ole southern boy. Well, and there’s the fact that I’ve never written a preppy, pretty hero in my life. Not to say that there’s something wrong with them. I just don’t write them. :lol2:

So she sent me back a cover with a different guy, and the result was someone who looked and “felt” more like my hero. I lurve it when a plan comes together. I’ll show you when the powers that be get a chance to offer their thumbs up or down on it.

In WRITING related stuff, you know, job crap, I was behind in my page count last week. Pissed me off but there it was. I busted ass over the weekend, wrote my hiney off on Monday and yesterday. Last night I added up the pages and to my shock (and great joy) I’m now only 17 pages down from the collective total I need by the end of THIS week. :banana: AND I’m now only 27 pages from being at the halfway point in the book. :faint: I soooo need a rock the fuck on icon. Am going in search of one now hehe.

Oh looky what I found :rockthefuckon:


Yesterday was good

The weather was gorgeous. I could hear the wind chimes tinkling and the birds chirping as I was writing. Speaking of writing, I got 20 pages done yesterday. Would have probably gotten more done but I spent 3 hours on the phone with another writer pal. Sometimes those conversations are more valuable than pages done. Because those kind of conversations can only be held with another writer. They know where you’re coming from. No matter how much another friend or family member loves and supports you, they just don’t understand all the issues a writer deals with like another writer does.

AND I actually cooked supper last night. :fainting:

My poor husband is probably off at work wondering what the fuck happened to his wife. The kids are probably not complaining. They don’t know who the strange chick is who was wandering around their house last night but they’re probably rather keep HER.

I’m still trying to spend my amazon gift certificate I got like two months ago. I have a few books in my cart but I just can’t find anything that screams BUY ME. I already placed my eharlequin order this month, and I should get those books right before our fishing trip for spring break :cheer: I’m thinking it might take awhile to complete that Amazon order…

Things to do

This week’s to do list

1. Send overview of the book we talked about on Friday to my agent (I’m excited about this one)
2. At some point, open the galleys for Her Majesty, My Love and start going through the book again.
3. Write a gazillion pages on Dark Desires (ok maybe not a gazillion. I’ll take 70)
4. Ponder the mysteries of the universe (my favorite way to procrastinate)
5. Flesh out proposal for follow up to Dark Desires (I’m in the mulling process)


Got an email from my Berkley editor last night (I’d been expecting revision notes for FOR HER PLEASURE) The good news is there was only scene she wanted me to rewrite. I wrapped that up earlier today and I went through the story one last time to make sure I got all the fallout from that scene to make sure everything was seamless.

I was very impressed (so was Amy) that I didn’t A. have an instant meltdown. B. go vomit C. convince myself that selling my book was one of those lightning strike events or something akin to winning the lottery TWICE :sweating: AND I very calmly rewrote the scene and it didn’t end up a cluster fuck.


Lazy Days

I love spring and summer in the south. Even when it gets hotter than hell with 110 percent humidity, I still love it. While the rest of the country is dealing with a buttload of snow and cold, nasty weather, we’re having some spectacular spring weather. Bright sunny skies, gentle southerly breezes and temps in the mid 70s. I’m kicking back with my handy dandy notebook and listening to the windchimes do their thing.

We’ve got the doors and windows open so the house has that fresh, outdoorsy smell and I can feel the breeze through my living room. The birds are chirping and the kids are all out on the front lawn running like mad and enjoying the day.

Really, does life get any better? :couch:

Celebrating the little things

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m way too hard on myself. It’s aggravating because when I’m writing, no matter HOW much I get done at a time, I always feel like it could have been more. If I write twenty pages in the morning, then I feel guilty for not writing in the evenings. There’s no middle ground for me. I’m either not producing at all or I’m cramming as much writing into every second of the day. (There’s that whole manic thing going for me)

I don’t ever stop the smell the roses. When I accomplish one thing, I’m too busy looking forward to the next thing to ever stop and take it all in and celebrate, even the small things. One of my promises to myself was that this year I wasn’t going to do that. I’m going to acknowledge each success, no matter how minute, because I think it’s important to nurture the accomplishments in an artist.

So, this morning I got up to take the kids to school. When I returned home, my usual routine is to open the laptop and get to work. Instead, I took a celebratory nap :lol2: I went to bed, didn’t check email, I’m already on no mail for EVERYTHING (I have to tell you, this ignorance is bliss thing is REALLY working out well) didn’t crack open a file to work, I just curled up with my cat and we took a long snooze.

Then hubby came home to pick me up for lunch. This evening, we’re heading out to enjoy our spectacular weather and play some baseball with the kids. I won’t worry about work until tomorrow or so :guitar: