Whispers in the Dark back cover copy!

Tadah! I finally have the back cover copy for Whispers in the Dark. I’m so excited!

She came to him when he needed her the most

She came to him at his lowest point. The voice of an angel, a whisper in the dark. She’s the only thing that gets Nathan Kelly through his captivity, the endless days of torture and the fear that he’ll never return to his family. With her help, he’s able to escape. But he isn’t truly free, because now she’s disappeared and he’s left with an all-consuming emptiness as he struggles to pick up the pieces of his life. Did he imagine his angel? Or is she out there, needing his help as he’d once needed hers?

Now he rushes to save her before it’s too late

Shea has been on the run from people who will stop at nothing to exploit her unique abilities. She never wanted to drag Nathan, who’d already suffered so much, into danger, but she doesn’t have a choice so she reaches out to him for help. Finally face-to-face after having already formed a soul-deep bond in hell, their emotional connection is even more powerful than their telepathic one. Nathan refuses to consider ever letting her go again, but she worries they can never have a life free of the dangers that dog her every step. He’ll protect her with his every breath, but can he convince her that they are meant to face these threats together?

MB Bookstore is now open!

I’ve had so many readers ask how they can get autographed copies of my print books and I promised them I was working on it :) I’ve been working on getting my bookstore up and running since last year and we’re now ready to open. Yay!

You can find it at http://www.mbbookstore.com

There are two things you need to know about the store. In the past I’ve released “ebooks” through Samhain and then I have books I release through other publishers like Berkley (The Sweet and KGI series) and the Harlequin Desires and those all release simultaneously in print and digital. Going forward, any NEW digital only releases that I publish will be released through MB Bookstore.com

Now this doesn’t apply to books published by Berkley, Ballantine or Harlequin. This only applies to shorter releases, like the upcoming A Colter Christmas!

And before you ask, yes, you will absolutely still be able to purchase my digital only releases from Amazon, Barnes and Noble etc! MB Bookstore will be the “home” store and you can always find information about new digital only releases either at MB Bookstore.com or on my website MayaBanks.com

In addition to new digital releases, you will also be able to purchase autographed and personalized copies of my print titles direct from the store.

Go poke around!

KGI news!

I waas in NYC all week for meetings with my publishers and one of the things that Berkley wanted to talk about was moving up Whispers in the Dark to January 2012. I had a good idea that this was going to happen but I wanted absolute confirmation before I told everyone. So, anyway, yes, Whispers in the Dark (Nathan’s book) will be published in January instead of February and it’s also very likely that Echoes at Dawn (Rio’s book) will be moved up as well.

So while it’s still a bit of a wait, you WILL be getting that book sooner :) My publisher and I both wanted to make sure this book is going to be just what we want for my readers so we’re working very hard to make that happen.

How about some new covers?

Today was a bounty of riches in my email! I got the covers for Whispers in the Dark AND Sweet Addiction. Tell me what you think!

KGI news and Q & A

I’ll be doing this same news posting and Q & A session on my Facebook Page and at the Writeminded Readers Group as well so participate wherever you feel the most comfortable!

The 4th book in the KGI series is Whispers in the Dark and it will release February 2012. It will feature Nathan Kelly.

The 5th book in the series releases August 2012 and is of yet untitled. It will feature Rio.

If you have questions about the series, I’ll be happy to answer them. Provided I can! I can’t promise to answer them all, but I will try to give you as much information as I can.

Please be considerate of other readers who may not have caught up in the series or who’ve yet to read the current titles. If you have a spoilerish question, please MARK it a spoiler and separate the body of the question or comment from the spoiler heading so those who wish to avoid them may.

Please be patient with me today. My daughter has practice tonight and a tournament early tomorrow morning and we leave for vacation right after so I have to board the dog, get everything done and get packed all by tonight. So I’ll be off and on all day.

Fire away!

Reading Challenge update (and yes I’m LATE)

Oh boy how time does get away from me. I asked several weeks ago for reading recs and boy did you guys deliver! I bought a ton of books and read many of them, though I still have several I haven’t gotten to but I can’t wait! Because I really liked several of the books you guys recommended.

Here’s what I loved!

A Table For Three by Lainey Reese

I’ve gone on record saying I don’t read a whole lot of of erotic romance and I rarely (and I mean almost never!) read menages because I’m so picky about them and I get really emotional about books when I read them and they make an impression and so I’ve read a few that just made my heart hurt and I’m thinking NO NO NO as I read them, so the result is I just don’t read them anymore. But holy shit I LOVED this book. LOVED it. I loved it so much that I emailed the author WHINING because the next book wasn’t out and then I made an ass of myself asking WHEN and PRETTY PLEASE. Ok so I begged. I’m not too proud to admit it. This author has talent. I mean mad talent. Loved her writing. Loved the way she did everything. For me the book was just perfect. So here’s my rec. Go buy this book and read it! Seriously. I’m going to give away a few copies at my upcoming Facebook party just because I loved it that much.

Night is Darkest by Jayne Rylon

I went into this with a little prejudice. Jayne knows this lol. I don’t like menages where there is m/m And no it isn’t BECAUSE of the m/m. I just hurts my heart lol. Because for me I like the woman to absolutely be the center of the relationship and for the focus to be on HER. ANd if the guys are involved romantically the heroine is at some point left out because there is a part of their relationship she can never touch so to speak. I won’t bore you with my issues lol, but suffice it to say I was nervous about reading this book. BUT and I absolutely have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. I really did like the book. It just worked for me. I thought the relationships were well done and the author sold me on the idea that the heroine would be happy and not “left out” heh.

Mouth to Mouth by Erin McCarthy

LOVED this book. Seriously loved it. It just hit all my buttons. I don’t have a wordy “analysis” of the book or a detailed review where I break down what the author did at points A, B and C. I just LOVED it. Really no further explanation is needed!

Male Me by Amarinda Jones

Ok again I wasn’t sure about this book going in. But I held my breath and dove in and was very glad I did. The “suspense” part seemed thrown in and actually it was totally unnecessary because the rest of the book was just so much FUN and I loved the characters, especially the heroes so much that I just glazed over the part about the dude after the heroine. I can forgive that because the rest of the book was just fabulous.

Falke’s Peak by Anna Leigh Keaton and Madison Layle

This was a really fun, cute book and I love the beginning and the middle. It lacked a really emotional dark moment and for me this is usually a deal breaker because there just really wasn’t one. It was sort of anticlimactic and like…well okay let’s get back together. BUT the rest of the book was so fun that again I could overlook this. I looked to see if there was info on future books but couldn’t find any info which made me sad :(

Christmas With Her Boss by Marion Lennox

LOVED this one too. It just was one of those feel good “sigh” books. It gave me warm fuzzies and any book that can do that for me has my enduring gratitude

I’m still working on my list of books and still have several to read, but I thought I’d update you on the books I enjoyed from the list of recommendations yall gave me. Table For Three gets my highest “oh yeah!” reaction. This book is available in ebook and it also just released in print so run out and grab it because it was just YUMMY. And I can’t wait for the next book in the series!

Big, huge thank you to all my readers

Wow, you guys are so amazing! My digital only release of Colters’ Daughter hit the USA Today bestseller list AND it also hit the NYT ebook bestseller list. All because of you and your enthusiasm. You have my heartfelt thanks. I couldn’t do this without your support and it means the world to me.

Hitting the lists with an ebook is more exciting than I can possibly express. I LOVE ebooks. I love epublishing. Epublishing has allowed me the freedom to write stories that might not otherwise be picked up by a more traditional publisher and they’ve been embraced by you the reader and YOU have made the books successes. Not me. I can write to my heart’s content but that doesn’t make them bestsellers. Only readers can do that and I’m so appreciative that you’ve made MY books bestselling titles.

The Colters’ Legacy books have been special from the beginning. Colters’ Woman struck a chord with so many readers and you made it by far my most successful, bestselling title of any books I’ve written. I owe much to the readers who took a chance on me several years ago when this story came out. You bought it, you talked about it. You then bought my subsequent releases and you’ve remained so steadfastly loyal and I simply do not have the words to tell you how much I love each and every one of you.

Epublishing will always hold a special place in my heart no matter where my career takes me and I’ll never forget that in a lot of ways, Colters’ Woman is responsible for much of my success.

Thank you for buying and supporting Colters’ Daughter! I know it’s different from the other two books in the series and I appreciate your willingness to give it a chance anyway.

Because of you an EBOOK landed on those bestseller lists and because of you, a whole lot more digital only authors will climb those lists too.

Much love,


A note about future Colters’ Legacy books

First I’d just like to extend my heartfelt thanks to everyone who has purchased or plans to purchase Colters’ Daughter. I truly appreciate each and every one of my readers and love you for allowing me to do something I love more than anything. Because of you, Colters’ Daughter climbed all the way to #2 on the Barnes and Noble bestseller list for all books. It also dipped well below the 100 mark at Amazon and it’s a bestseller at the Samhain store as well.

Many of you have been asking if this is the last book in the Colters’ Legacy series.

I should first say that I honestly never had any intention of writing books beyond Colters’ Woman. It took me a few years to come around on that point after many, many and I mean MANY reader emails asking me to please write more about the Colters.

So I’ll tell you now, that I’ve had plans to write at least one more book since I decided to write Colters’ Lady and Colters’ Daughter. :)

For those of you who’ve asked about loose ends or just wanting a feeling of completion to some issues that were raised in Colters’ Lady or Colters’ Daughter, this book would sort of tie all that together in what I hope is a satisfying conclusion.

I hope you’ll understand that I simply cannot bring myself to write future generations of Colters because it would mean saying goodbye to Holly, Adam, Ethan and Ryan and I would be devastated to write a book in which they were no longer alive. I couldn’t do it! It would break my heart. For me they will always live in my heart and mind and on the pages of my books.

So the story I’ve planned to write is about the Colter family as a whole, not just one particular relationship. It would include Holly and her men as well as Lily and hers and of course Callie and Max.

I would love to say I’ll have the book ready by this fall but I can’t promise. Since I want to title it A Colter Christmas, I’d love to have it out no later than November, and I will try very hard, but I simply can’t guarantee it.

But I just want to say that without all the wonderful emails over the years about Colters’ Woman and the nonstop requests to write more books about this family, I would have honestly never written Colters’ Lady or Colters’ Daughter, so this final book would be my way of saying thank you to all my readers.

I love you all to pieces!


Things you need to know about Colters’ Daughter!

There always seems to be a mixture of confusion and chaos when I release an ebook through Samhain. So hopefully this post will make some things clear and help out those of you readers who might experience difficulties trying to purchase this book.

First and most importantly. This is NOT a print release. Not yet. I thought I’d make this clear on my website but I still get a lot of people asking about the print copy. Colters’ Lady which released in ebook format last June isn’t even available for print yet. It comes out in June of this year. Colters’ Daughter will release FIRST as an electronic book and will then be released as a print book in early 2012. I know this isn’t good news to those of you who only read print books, but this has ALWAYS been the case with my Samhain releases.

Because I know many of you hate having to wait so long for the print release, I asked my publisher to release my next book in print and electronic format on the same day. They have agreed and so this August when Long Road Home is released, you’ll no longer have to wait for the print copy. You can get either on release day.

NOW for perhaps the most frustrating part for those of you who have waited so patiently for the release of Colters’ Daughter. I’ve had many, many, MANY inquiries as to why places like Amazon and Barnes and Noble don’t have the ebook available for pre order. I can only give you information based on my past experiences. Typically Amazon puts up the book anywhere from three days before release day right up TO release day so it could show up literally at any moment provided the book has been made available to them by my publisher. I’ll definitely be posting the buy links as SOON as I find them. Promise!

As for Barnes and Noble? They are horrible about putting up new ebook releases. I’ve never really been able to figure this one out because they typically have books from my other publishers available for pre order on the Nook well before release day. But I’ve found that they often don’t put up Samhain releases until days AFTER the official release day. Yes, that means that if you own a Nook and want to buy the book from Barnes and Noble, you might very well have to wait up to a week after everyone else buys it in order to get it. I can only encourage you to email Barnes and Noble and tell them you want the book on release day or you’ll take your business elsewhere. I don’t know what else to do since I have absolutely no control over when they book goes up.

With all that said, ideally I know you like to purchase books at the place you’re most comfortable purchasing them at, but if you’re like me and are IMPATIENT and want the book on release day, then you’re willing to buy it wherever it’s available. If it turns out that on Tuesday, Feb 1 that you can’t find Colters’ Daughter, you can always go to the Samhain Store and buy the book in whatever format you like. They have formats for Nook, Kindle, Sony, Kobo etc. You name it they have a format you can read on your reader. Promise! And they already have it up for pre order at 30 percent off the cover price.

So with all that said, there are only four more days to release day :))) I hope you enjoy the book, wherever you manage to purchase it from.

