Awesome news!

Today was “list” day as we call it in publishing. Every Wednesday, the week FOLLOWING a new release, all the best seller lists are published and it’s then that an author finds out how well the book performed.

Thanks to my wonderful, amazing readers, Shades of Gray was #13 on the USA Today best seller list and #4 on the New York Times mass market fiction best seller list. It also hit the digital NYT, the combined hardback and paperback list and the combined digital and print lists!

Grand slam, guys! And it’s all because of you :)))

Thank you all so very much for making this book such a success. I absolutely couldn’t do it without you!



KGI News :)

I posted on my Facebook page that I had some exciting news for you all, and that I’d be telling you this week. Well, I don’t have it ALL ready yet, so this will be a two part “news” fest and I won’t torture you any longer with the KGI announcements :) So definitely stay tuned for “more” likely coming next week.

But without further ado, I’ll tell you whose books are coming up after Shades of Gray (P.J. and Cole’s story) I’ll first say, however, that Shades of Gray is without a doubt my favorite KGI book to date. I love the characters SO much and I’ve always adored P.J.’s character. I put her through the ringer in her book, but she really comes out on top. (Was there any doubt?) lol

I can’t wait for January so that y’all can read Shades of Gray and let me know if you love the book as much as I do!

Now, some of this is hard to explain because y’all haven’t READ Shades of Gray yet, so a lot of what I’m talking about is kind of lost UNTIL you guys get to read *g* But obviously the book is focused sharply on Steele’s team, of which P.J. and Cole are a part of. So you see a LOT of Steele and you get more insight into his character. However, you also see a LOT of Donovan in this book because he plays a major role. Moreso than even the other Kellys. Of course you’ll see all of them (ha! like I could write a KGI book without the Kellys!) But once you read Shades of Gray, you’ll understand why it’s organic for Steele’s book to be next.

So yep, that’s the announcement. KGI #7, which will release in July 2013 will feature Steele as the lead character. I can’t wait to tear into his story. I’m keeping mum (for now) on his heroine until I get further into the book and things unfold.

But for all you DONOVAN fans? I’m also announcing that his book will be KGI #8, which will release January 2014. So no more waiting. I promise I haven’t purposely tried to string you along and torture you by “withholding” Donovan. I just have to absolutely wait until the right moment to tell his story and it has to be organic to the series.

I’m REALLY excited for these next two books. Steele and Donovan have long been two of my favorite guys in the series and I’ve known since the very start that these two stories have to be special and that the build up has to be “just right”

While I do have the other stories in the series planned (for characters like Joe, Swanny etc) I can’t say with any authority whose book will be after Donovan’s because I have to wait and see how his and Steele’s stories unfold and then follow the logical path in the growth of the KGI organization and the teams. I want it to make sense not only to me, but to you the readers whom I’m SO grateful to for making this series a success.

An author can write the best book in the world, but it’s the READERS who make a book or series a success. Without you, this series would have never gotten off the ground and I would be unable to continue writing in a world I love and about a family and cast of characters I adore.

Be on the lookout for some new faces in Shades of Gray and some changes to KGI. Nothing drastic. I promise! But it sets the stage for more books to come and it’s my hope that you’ll continue to be along for the wonderful ride that this series has been.

I so deeply appreciate each and every reader who has bought and read the KGI series and for all the wonderful emails and messages expressing your love for this series. I cannot even begin to tell you how much it means to me to have such wonderful support. I’m so lucky to have you all and I hope we have many more years together to dish about books and characters!

So that’s the KGI news and be watching for more announcements coming soon! :)

xoxo and much love


Deadline approaching!

I’m deep in my writing cave, finishing up Shades of Gray, KGI #6 (P.J. and Cole’s story) so that’s why I haven’t been around much. I’ll remain in the cave until I turn in the book next week but wanted to answer a few random questions I’ve been getting frequently in email.

1. Yes, all six Kelly brothers will be getting a story eventually. I just didn’t think it was particularly realistic for them all to fall in love one right after the other *g*

2. Yes, I have plans for Steele, Swanny and Rusty (the three most frequent characters I get questions about other than the Kelly brothers)

3. No, I don’t plan to pair Rusty with one of the Kelly brothers or Steele (two most frequent questions I get in regard to Rusty)

I’ll actually be doing a live Facebook chat on June 7th from the Berkley offices where you are free to ask me questions about any of my books or series. I’ll be posting more about it as we get closer to the date and I’ll post the URL for the Facebook page where the chat will take place.

KGI #6 Shades of Gray

By now you guys know of course that the 4th KGI book, Whispers at Dark, featured the youngest Kelly brother, Nathan, and that Echoes at Dawn, the 5th book in the series, will feature Rio, one of the team leaders and will release July 2012.

So here is the official announcement for the 6th book in the series, Shades of Gray, which will release in Jan 2013 :)

Shades of Gray will feature Cole and P.J. two of the KGI team members who you’ve met in the first 4 books and will of course see again in the 5th book as well.

Obviously the series will (hopefully) be longer than six books since obviously there are more of the brothers (Donovan and Joe) to write about but I have plans for some of the team members as well :) (Just in case anyone thought that I would only be writing stories for the six Kelly brothers)

YAY! contest part two!

Ok for this one, I have a few ARCs of Whispers in the Dark to give away and here’s your chance to win it :) Whispers releases January 3rd so not too long! But here’s your chance to get an early peek. I’ll leave the contest open until Sunday at which point I’ll post winners and you’ll have until Monday morning to get back to me with your mailing address. Books will go out Monday or Tuesday so I won’t chase you down to tell you that you’ve won. So be SURE to check back and if you win, email me your mailing address because you won’t have days and days to claim your prize. Sound good? Here’s a little about Whispers :)

She came to him when he needed her the most

She came to him at his lowest point. The voice of an angel, a whisper in the dark. She’s the only thing that gets Nathan Kelly through his captivity, the endless days of torture and the fear that he’ll never return to his family. With her help, he’s able to escape. But he isn’t truly free, because now she’s disappeared and he’s left with an all-consuming emptiness as he struggles to pick up the pieces of his life. Did he imagine his angel? Or is she out there, needing his help as he’d once needed hers?
Now he rushes to save her before it’s too late

Shea has been on the run from people who will stop at nothing to exploit her unique abilities. She never wanted to drag Nathan, who’d already suffered so much, into danger, but she doesn’t have a choice so she reaches out to him for help. Finally face-to-face after having already formed a soul-deep bond in hell, their emotional connection is even more powerful than their telepathic one. Nathan refuses to consider ever letting her go again, but she worries they can never have a life free of the dangers that dog her every step. He’ll protect her with his every breath, but can he convince her that they are meant to face these threats together?

You can read an excerpt here!

Sound good? Then let’s get started :) To enter, just tell me you want the ARC!

A YAY contest!

I promised my readers that once I turned in Echoes at Dawn (KGI #5) that I’d have a few giveaways to celebrate. The FIRST, and I’ll do two separate blog posts, is for a chance to win a PRINT copy of The Darkest Hour. If you’ve never given the KGI series a shot, here’s your chance to do it absolutely free. The 4th book in the series, releases January 3rd, so I want to give everyone a chance to read that first book in the series and hey, if you like it, then maybe you’ll give the others a shot as well :)

So this is really easy peasy. If you want a copy, just drop me a comment below and tell me you want to be entered. As always, my contests are open to international entrants. I’ll leave the contest running through this weekend so that I can mail copies out next Monday.

Check back on SUNDAY to see if you win. You’ll only have a short time to claim your book and I won’t track you down, so you’ll need to check back, see if you won and then email me your mailing address.

Sound good? Then let’s get down to it. Ready, set, go!

Whispers in the Dark back cover copy!

Tadah! I finally have the back cover copy for Whispers in the Dark. I’m so excited!

She came to him when he needed her the most

She came to him at his lowest point. The voice of an angel, a whisper in the dark. She’s the only thing that gets Nathan Kelly through his captivity, the endless days of torture and the fear that he’ll never return to his family. With her help, he’s able to escape. But he isn’t truly free, because now she’s disappeared and he’s left with an all-consuming emptiness as he struggles to pick up the pieces of his life. Did he imagine his angel? Or is she out there, needing his help as he’d once needed hers?

Now he rushes to save her before it’s too late

Shea has been on the run from people who will stop at nothing to exploit her unique abilities. She never wanted to drag Nathan, who’d already suffered so much, into danger, but she doesn’t have a choice so she reaches out to him for help. Finally face-to-face after having already formed a soul-deep bond in hell, their emotional connection is even more powerful than their telepathic one. Nathan refuses to consider ever letting her go again, but she worries they can never have a life free of the dangers that dog her every step. He’ll protect her with his every breath, but can he convince her that they are meant to face these threats together?

KGI news!

I waas in NYC all week for meetings with my publishers and one of the things that Berkley wanted to talk about was moving up Whispers in the Dark to January 2012. I had a good idea that this was going to happen but I wanted absolute confirmation before I told everyone. So, anyway, yes, Whispers in the Dark (Nathan’s book) will be published in January instead of February and it’s also very likely that Echoes at Dawn (Rio’s book) will be moved up as well.

So while it’s still a bit of a wait, you WILL be getting that book sooner :) My publisher and I both wanted to make sure this book is going to be just what we want for my readers so we’re working very hard to make that happen.

How about some new covers?

Today was a bounty of riches in my email! I got the covers for Whispers in the Dark AND Sweet Addiction. Tell me what you think!

KGI news and Q & A

I’ll be doing this same news posting and Q & A session on my Facebook Page and at the Writeminded Readers Group as well so participate wherever you feel the most comfortable!

The 4th book in the KGI series is Whispers in the Dark and it will release February 2012. It will feature Nathan Kelly.

The 5th book in the series releases August 2012 and is of yet untitled. It will feature Rio.

If you have questions about the series, I’ll be happy to answer them. Provided I can! I can’t promise to answer them all, but I will try to give you as much information as I can.

Please be considerate of other readers who may not have caught up in the series or who’ve yet to read the current titles. If you have a spoilerish question, please MARK it a spoiler and separate the body of the question or comment from the spoiler heading so those who wish to avoid them may.

Please be patient with me today. My daughter has practice tonight and a tournament early tomorrow morning and we leave for vacation right after so I have to board the dog, get everything done and get packed all by tonight. So I’ll be off and on all day.

Fire away!