
More Scottish Historicals? Why yes!

I guess I kind of just assumed that readers would know that I would continue to write Scottish Historicals. No idea why, mind you, it just wasn’t something I ever gave thought to explaining. But I’ve received many emails and questions asking if I’ll be writing MORE Scottish Historicals beyond the trilogy releasing this fall and ending with Never Love A Highlander next month.

The answer is absolutely! I love, love, love historicals. I began my writing career aspiring to be a historical romance author. And there is nothing I love more than Scottish Historicals.

Many of the questions have been whether I’ll continue writing about the McCabes or about secondary characters in the McCabe clan. While I won’t be writing about the McCabes, I will be beginning a new series and I can’t wait to dive into the first story. I’m SO excited about it. I adore the hero and heroine.

I don’t have an exact release date yet for the next historical after Never Love a Highlander but I believe it’ll be in the fall of 2012. Of course as SOON as I know, I’ll let you guys know. But you’ll have plenty of books to keep you busy in 2012, including two KGI books, two Harlequin Desires, Sweet Addiction, the Colter novella in June and of course a historical in the fall :)

Sound fair?

It is my sincerest hope that in 2012 I’ll finally get my schedule just as I want it and then you can look forward to a KGI book every six months. A historical every six months. And one book in the Sweet series spinoff every year in the spring.

In the meantime, know that I’ll absolutely be writing more historicals and will be publishing them on a six month schedule after the next one is released sometimes next fall :)

Colters’ release dates

I promised you guys more info on the Colter novella and the new Colter book as soon as I got it so here it is :) The novella will be released in June 2012 instead of in the fall so not too much of a delay after all. The fourth book in the series will release April 2013. The novella will be retitled and I still have to come up with a title for the fourth book :)

I should have a cover for the novella soon as they’re cover conferencing asap.

Exciting news about the Colters’ Legacy series!

I’m sorry to have made so many of you wait for an update on the Colter novella I was planning. I’ve been working on this for quite some time and I wanted to hold off until every thing was finalized and set so I could tell you with absolute certainty what was going on with the novella and a little something extra I hope you’ll all be excited about :)

I know that many of you were expecting the release of the Colter Christmas novella to be this fall and I realize you may be disappointed that it’s being postponed until 2012. I hope you’ll be happy about WHY, though.

I wanted not to exclude a large portion of my readership by releasing this digitally, but since it was a novella, there wasn’t much way around that. By my agent and my editor, being the geniuses they are, figured a solution that would enable ALL my readers to be able to buy and read the Colter novella.

Berkley is going to publish the Colter novella AND they’re going to release it in a special mass market stand alone novella, which means that you the reader aren’t buying an anthology with several other stories. You’ll be buying the Colter novella in print. Or if you’re a digital reader, you can of course purchase it as an ebook.

The print and the digital will release simultaneously, on the same day. No waiting a year between digital and print as you’ve done with the previous Colter releases.

Since this novella will be released in print/digital simultaneously, we had to delay the release until AFTER Colters’ Daughter releases in print in Feb 2012 because the novella spoils Colters’ Daughter. The novella takes place over a year after Colters’ Daughter and we very much wanted to preserve the timeline and not spoil Colters’ Daughter for those of you waiting to get it in print.

We’re planning to release the novella in print/digital in Summer/Fall 2012. As SOON as I have an exact date, you all will be the first to know. My editor has promised not to make you wait very long. They’re discussing when to publish it now and should have an answer for us soon. Regardless of when, the readers are uppermost in our minds. We wanted to give everyone a chance to have this novella and not just the digital readers out there.

And if this weren’t exciting enough, I’m pleased to announce that Berkley will also be publishing a fourth, full length Colters’ Legacy novel in April 2013. I don’t have a title yet. The heroine is someone briefly mentioned in Colters’ Daughter and someone you’ll meet in the upcoming Colter novella :)

I hope you’re as excited about this as me and my editor are. We talked a long time on the phone this afternoon about how to do this just perfectly for the readers who made this series so successful. We’re just thrilled to be able to do the novella in a way that allows everyone to read in their preferred format.

I realize there will be some disappointment in the delay and for that I apologize. I absolutely would not agree to a delay if I didn’t think it benefitted the readers, and in this case, I think it certainly does.

Much love and my sincerest thanks for making the Colters such a successful and fun series.


Spin off of the SWEET series

So I’ve gotten LOTS of emails and FB posts and tweets about Kane from Sweet Possession, and it’s not that I was ignoring you guys or purposely trying to torture you, but it wasn’t as simple as saying yes or no that I’d write a book about him. Of course I wanted to write about him and his team and delve into their shenanigans, but these things take time!

I’m happy to say that everything is now finalized and I’ll be writing a spin off series of the SWEET series involving Kane and his coworkers, boss etc.

As I’ve explained on FB, this is not a romantic suspense series. It’s very much a sexy contemporary series where the focus is on the relationship between the hero and heroine. There may well be elements of suspense on a book by book basis, but it is definitely NOT the focus of the series whatsoever.

I’m still working on scheduling and arranging it so that I have a set release schedule for all my books so that readers know that on X month I’ll have a KGI release and on Y month I’ll release a book in the new spin off series and on Z month I’ll release a historical.

I’m very excited to dive into a new series! I hope you guys will enjoy Kane and his gang as much as I will :) I’ll definitely keep you posted on any new developments as I get them!



Winners of In Bed With a Highlander!

Ok guys, here is the list of Kindle and print winners. If you are a winner of a KINDLE copy, please just email me at so I can get your ebook to you. If you are the winner of a PRINT copy, please email me your mailing address to the same email.

Kindle winners

Kimberly, comment #94
Bobbie, comment #4
Shelly, comment #56
Staci, comment #15
Megan Burton, comment #126
MichelleAB, comment #23
Alisha, comment #70
Amy, comment #33
Suzie Glass comment #85
Alyssa West, comment #34
Jill, comment #104
Teresita, comment #124
Kate Saunders, comment #40


Zeneida, comment #95
Julie, comment #77
Jordan H, comment #57
Jillian, comment #2
Jeanette Juan, comment #65
Diane, comment #17
Kristie S, comment #86
Penny, comment #25
Kristina in GA, comment #75
Lynn Reynolds, comment #105
Sonali, comment #116
Crystal Coleman, comment #46
Rosie, comment #127

In Bed With A Highlander giveaway!

Oh Lordy but when I went to my own website and saw how long it had been since I’d blogged I couldn’t believe that summer is already over, the kids are back in school and that I hadn’t blogged since returning from Ireland. I’d be ashamed if I didn’t know it will happen again lol.

In Bed With A Highlander released two weeks ago and thanks to my amazing readers, it’s been on the USA Today bestseller list for two weeks now. So thank you! You guys rock hard. I’m excited for the second book in the trilogy to release, which is coming up soon! So I thought I’d give some of you who hadn’t gotten a chance to get In Bed With A Highlander yet an opportunity to win a copy here on the blog :)

I’m going to give away print copies and I’ll also give away Kindle copies to you Kindle owners. I apologize to you NON Kindle owners out there. I’d love nothing more than to be able to gift you with digital copies as well but so far Kindle is the only one who makes that possible. I think I heard that Kobo does as well but I haven’t figured them out yet *g*

So anyway I’ll stop babbling and get to the giveaway.

If you want to be considered for a copy, first tell me what books you’re buying this week or last. I know there are releases I wanted but damn if I can remember what they were and I want to go shopping! Then the next really important thing I need you to tell me is what format you’d like. If you want to be considered for a print copy, say you want the print. If you prefer Kindle, just tell me that.

Simple, right?

I’ll leave the contest open until this weekend (sometime) I’m not being too specific because Girlie has a softball tournament and I’m not sure when we’ll be home so I can’t give you a set time that I’ll draw winners. I’d like to have all winners posted by Sunday night but definitely by Monday if we end up playing really late. Please check back early in the week to see if you won! I’ll be asking all winners to email me so I can get the books out to you ASAP.

Ok let’s get this show on the road. Ready, set, go!

Back home!

After an endless Sunday of traveling that began at 6 a.m. Dublin time (or midnight back home) I arrived back home after two hours in the Dublin airport, a 7 hour flight to Newark, a five hour layover, a 3 hour flight to Houston and then a two hour drive home from the airport. Needless to say I don’t remember much beyond stumbling into bed around 11 last night.

But I’m home and I have SO much catching up to do. I need to blog about the remainder of my adventure in Ireland as well as post some pics now that I’m back in the land of high speed internet.

I finished Sweet Addiction while on vacation but as soon as I got to the end, I knew the ending was all wrong. *sigh* I pondered it for two days including a sleepless night in the hotel in Dublin the night before our early A.M. flight home. And finally pinpointed what was wrong. So I’ve now deleted the entire last chapter and I’m currently rewriting the ending and already I know I have it right this time.

I have so much to do this week that I’m in meltdown mode. You know sometimes when you have SO much to do that you don’t even know where to start so you just sort of sit and stare blankly because you’re so overwhelmed? Yeah, that’s me right now lol. Of course the smarter thing to do is to make a to do list and start tackling the items on it. That’s what most organized people would do….

So I’m back but up to my neck in “stuff” If you’ve emailed me, contacted me etc please please be patient with me. I have a backlog of emails that is insane!

Internet woes in Ireland (or day 4)

I know I promised you guys pics. I even bought an outrageously expensive flash drive for the occasion. (okay so everything over here is ridiculously expensive. I don’t know how people make a living here with paying the huge income tax percentages and the prices of EVERYTHING.) But I digress (what else is new) But the fact of the matter is, my internet sucks ass here. I haven’t had this much frustration since the days of dial up and hell, at least it WORKED back then. It was slow as hell but it stayed on. Not so much with this stuff *sob*

It takes me forever to get on and once I do manage to have the stars align just right and get a connection, it then drops randomly and so you have to keep trying to get to where you’re going on keep trying to check email until you hit those few seconds where it works with no interruption, type like hell and then wait again while it blips off to God knows where.

So uhm while I have pictures on my laptop now, the chances of me getting them posted? Let’s just say I’d probably win the lottery before that happens. So the pics will have to wait until I get back to the land of high speed internet.

As for day 4? I worked all day today. The fog was super thick and it was chilly. Hubby and the kids went to play golf again and I stayed behind to curl up under a blanket and try to finish this book. (I’m almost there and won’t go to bed tonight until I finish. Or rather, I’m already IN bed, but I won’t go to sleep until this book is done, done, done.

Tomorrow the kids are going horseback riding in the morning and hubby and I are going to do some shopping. I think tomorrow afternoon if the weather prediction was accurate, we’ll take a boating trip :)

So there’s the update such as it is. I’m hoping this will post in this lifetime and I’m getting back to work on the writing. I left my characters all in turmoil and they’re probably pissed at me because I haven’t gotten back to them to solve all their woes.

Ireland day three!

Today started, well it started late *g* We all slept in as people on vacation do. I’ve never been up on getting up at the crack of dawn and go, go, go all day only to collapse into bed at night and the end result is going home EXHAUSTED and thinking DAMN I need a vacation… Agree?

So anyway we slept late. Got up cooked breakfast and then hubby took the kids to play what I guess is the Irish equivalent to putt putt or mini golf. It was a pitch and putt course. They played for a couple hours while I perched myself on my chair that overlooks the ocean from our cottage and I worked for a little bit but mostly I sat and soaked up the sun and the breeze and the smell of the ocean. Ahhh it was nice.

When the kidlets returned, we had a light lunch and then decided we were going to hit the road because the weather was just so amazingly gorgeous and we wanted to do some exploring. We took the coastal road from Doolin around to Ballyvaughn and further to a castle (the name escapes me at the moment even though I can hear the eldery Irish caretaker pronouncing it so I had the right of it) But hey I’m tired and my brain’s a bit fuzzy and full of gorgeous sunsets.

We stopped along the way and clambered over rock outcroppings to peek over the cliffs and we sat awhile and enjoyed the view. Our entire motto was “we’re not in a hurry” Although I did keep telling my daughter “don’t break your leg. Please don’t break your leg” I swear my youngest two are such daredevils and they scare the bejebus out of me because they’re so uninhibited.

We came back through Ennistimon instead of going back around the coastal road because I needed to find a flashdrive so I could transfer pictures from hubby’s laptop (where he downloads the camera’s pics to) to MY laptop because you guys keep asking for pics and well, I haven’t had a way to post them yet!

So I’m working on it. I’m hoping by tomorrow’s post to be able to give you guys a glimpse of our trip.

When we got back to the cottage, the kids went outside to play and hubby cooked dinner. Then we all sat outside watching the sun go down, and truly, this was as beautiful a sunset as we saw in the US Virgin Islands. We had plans to go into town to one of the pubs to listen to some more music this evening but we were all comfortable being lazy and so we just laid back and watched the sunset.

So there you have it. Day three. Not so exciting. But rather a lazy day taking our time and getting off the beaten path a bit. But then that’s what do most vacations. I jokingly told hubby that the year we went to Scotland that I swear we saw parts of Scotland that I doubt most Scots have never seen! Said jokingly but it was the absolute truth. I do know that there were many times we didn’t see a single other car for super long stretches of time when we were traversing the countryside.

I’m heading to bed where I’m going to work for awhile. I’ll catch you guys tomorrow!

Ireland day two, part two

So the rest of day two went as follows. After our morning jaunt to the grocery store, we decided since it was so foggy that we’d hit the Doolen Cave. As we entered the tour, I knew I was fucked when the guide mentioned that we’d be descending stairs. Not just a few. But uhm like a hundred. For one, I have this unnatural fear of falling down stairs. I’ve had this fear ever since I can remember. I hated my high school because it was two stories and every other class for me was on a different floor and there was always a hoard of students pushing and shoving down the stairs and I was always terrified I was going to fall down them.

Now the other part of this horror story is that I knew at the end of the tour I was going to have to climb back those 100 steps. Fuck me.

I wasn’t smart enough to just tell the family, oh you go ahead. I’ll wait for you up here. Oh no. Because I wasn’t going to wimp out. So I teeter down all those damn stairs holding on to the rail for dear life. Then when we get to the bottom, we go through this slick as snot cave corridor thing with the ceiling so low that even me and my short ass self hit my head. (We wore hardhats and it’s a good damn thing.) My aforementioned six foot four husband had to walk doubled over the entire way.

But then we get to…more steps. Wet, slimy, uneven steps. Some really short. Some with a steep drop off. Again, I clung to the wet, slimy rail for dear life and my knees shook so badly I was REALLY afraid I was just going to face plant.

It was cool. Don’t get me wrong. But really? Not my thing. I love the science behind caves. I love visiting them. All those slippery steps I could have done without. By the time we left to return to those 100 stairs I had already had to climb up a bazillion slippery, uneven steps and at that point I was just done. I wanted to know where the damn elevator was.

Hubby’s sweet and he lagged behind with me while I climbed the steps holding onto the railing for dear life and thinking OMFG, WHY did I do this again?

We get out to the car and my stupid knees were still shaking so bad that I could barely get control of them. Phobias are a bitch, I tell ya.

We drove back to the cottage and hubby took the kids to some nearby castle ruins while I researched a trip I wanted to take with the kids. (The internet is so frightfully slow here that it honest to God took as long as they were gone to find all the info I wanted)

They returned laughing like hyenas because apparently daddy fell down some step at the castle or on the grounds since apparently this particular castle is privately owned and not open to the public so they were only able to get so close to it. So see? My phobia? Not unfounded. And they were also apparently accosted by some old rude Irish guy who muttered something about reading signs. Never mind the nice woman who informed my husband how far he could venture on public property.

Truly, this is the first rude Irish person we’ve encountered. Or I should say they since I wasn’t with them so really *I* haven’t met a single rude person here :) They’re all disgustingly cheerful and exceedingly helpful. Even to neurotic Americans with stair phobias…

After they return we decide to go down to the pier. Just because. No other reason. And the fog had finally lifted and there was actually SUNSHINE. And even better patches of BLUE in the sky. And I should mention that my cottage is RIGHT on the ocean and yet until this afternoon I hadn’t actually SEEN the water from my front porch because of the fog. I mean I knew it was there but you couldn’t have proved it by what I could see.

So we puttered around, enjoyed some fresh air. It’s delightfully chilly here and such a welcome change from 100 degrees and 100 percent humidity back home.

On our way back from the pier we stopped at a different pub that was offering live music beginning just twenty minutes from when we arrived, so we took a seat and ordered. The food was terrific. (So far we’re two for two on eating out in Ireland and even the kids are eating!) The music was terrific. As odd as it may sound, really you haven’t fully appreciated John Denver’s Country Roads until you’ve heard it sung by an Irishman with a guitar in an Irish pub :)

And then we took a drive, sort of a roundabout drive back to the cottage because we weren’t yet ready to get back home just yet. We saw a rooster pheasant and a hen on the road and then watched as they flew low over a field only to land a short distance away. We stopped to watch until finally they flushed up again and flew further away.

When we did finally get back home, the sky to the west was clearing over the water and I was excited because I figured we’d actually get to see a sunset that evening so I positioned myself accordingly, propped back on some pillows and lazily watched the sun go down while Hubby and the youngest two played catch in the yard.

Now I’m in bed having just watched the last vestiges of the sun slip down over the horizon and it’s finally dark (It’s well after ten) and so I’m going to sign off and work for a bit. This is a holiday, yes, but it’s a working one for me because there are some things that have to get done no matter what. But I’ll get them done when everyone else is asleep so I don’t miss any of the fun stuff :)

Good night from Doolin!