

It’s actually cold here today. Was even colder last night. A cold front moved through and we had hurricane force winds all freaking day yesterday. I love it when it gets chilly. Nothing better than curling up in my living room in front of the fire with a good book. Even better, add a Christmas tree. Which we will be getting the day after Thanksgiving. :whoo:

My middle child is home sick. Second day and I think he’s feeling marginally better this morning. Yesterday he just wanted hugs and snuggles and didn’t move off the couch. This is USUALLY the time of year when I come down with my mono/strep throat combination. However, I already went through that misery a month ago. I’m hoping that means I get to skip my annual Thanksgiving tradition of turkey and antibiotics.

And in work related stuff, I wrote four godawful pages to the synopsis for my proposal that’s uh due like in two weeks. I have a lot more to do on it, but once I get some of the details hammered out, I know I’ll feel better about the project. After I send off the proposal I’ve got to do a marathon writing session and get Undenied hammered out. It’s going to be a fun write. Understood was more angsty and emotional and Overheard was a bit more light hearted but still tinged with emotion (ok so I cannot write a book without lots of emotion lol) But Undenied is Wes’s story and he’s a laid back, fun kinda guy, so it’s going to be a nice change of pace. :woot:


I recently posted a comment about where the hell October had gone, but geesh, it’s already halfway through NOVEMBER for Pete’s sake and Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I’m gonna blink and it’s going to be Christmas, I swear.

Jaci usually does a Monday to do list and today I’m going to join the ranks because I have a shitload of crap to try and get done this week. It’s one of those overwhelming lists that might take the better part of this year to finish :kap:

1. Figure out my proposal
2. Finish up my free short story due to go up on website in December
3. Figure out my proposal
4. Flesh out the details for Undenied
5. START writing the proposal (provided 1 and 3 ever get accomplished)

Things that WERE going to go on the to do list that I managed to finish over the weekend. :sweating:

1. Galleys for Caught by Cupid print anthology (releasing Jan 23)
2. Edits on Understood (releasing Dec 19)
3. Galleys for Colters’ Woman print (releasing Jan 23)

Yeah, you know you want to be my friend this week.

I Hate Writing Slumps

I always thought that writing would get easier the more I did it. I was wrong. In the beginning, you’re full of newbie glow and bubble and every word you write is golden. G.O.L.D.E.N.

Writing is hard. I didn’t say I didn’t like it, just that it’s not easy. I used to could sit down and write without regard to WHAT I was writing. I just wrote and went back and fixed it later. Now I spend more time crafting each nuance of the scene, the paragraph, making sure each piece of dialogue is written to show the right inflection. It’s slowed me down a lot, but the trade off is I spend a lot less time editing the finished product. I’m not sure which is better, because each method has its own set of frustrations.

I also didn’t used to have “let down” when I finished a project. I’d literally finish one book one day and dive into the new one the next. These days when I finish a big project I usually spend one to two weeks in a post production funk. I think it’s because I expend a lot more mental energy in the writing process than I used to.

This week is week two of “the slump.” I started writing again today. Not what I NEED to be writing, but it’s writing nonetheless. I’m hoping by the end of the week I’ll be ready to begin “Undenied.”

Grocery Shopping

I HATE grocery shopping. :crying: And I have to go today. Can I just starve the family or live on pizza for the next week or so? Sigh…

Today’s not shaping up too good. I lost my damn cell phone. Had to order another and it won’t be in until Monday. I really don’t mind being without a phone (I don’t use a landline anymore) but it’s my luck that the minute I don’t HAVE a phone then everyone and their mama will be trying to call me with important stuff.

Now to go make that darn grocery list….

Little Deer Slayer

We spent the entire weekend hunting. It was the youth only hunt and so we took our three kiddos out. As I previously mentioned, my six year old daughter decided this was her year to get her first deer. She wanted to outdo my middle son since he was seven when he bagged his. Well, I’m happy to say she did it! :woot:

It was such a fun weekend. The “girls” split off from the guys and we took one tree stand while hubby and the boys took another. I was so impressed with her. She was so focused and she handled her gun like a dream. After she shot and knew she’d downed the deer, she jumped up and down shouting, “I got it! I got it!” Then she hugged me like mad for several minutes.

When we got down to go look at it, she squatted by the deer and touched it reverently and said in an awed voice, “I’m going to remember this day forever.” I was all teary eyed and said, “Me too!”

I have one very proud little girl and an even prouder daddy :lol2:

Gorgeous Cover!

This is for my January “Sharon Long” release titled Her Majesty, My Love. This is honestly one of THE most gorgous ebook covers I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to see this in print! I LOVE my cover artist.


Weekend was great. We took the kids to the shooting range yesterday because the youth hunt is this next weekend. My six year old daughter has decided that this is HER year to bag her first deer. And I’ll be damned if the little squirt didn’t nail her targets. She had the tightest pattern of the three kiddos. She’s competitive lol. (takes after her mama :lol2:) My middle son got his first deer last year at age 7 so she’s determined to one up him by getting hers at 6.

I jokingly told my husband that our hunting days were pretty much over because with three kids all clamoring to take down a deer, he and I won’t exactly get the opportunity for a shot :headscratch:

So that’s where we’ll be this next weekend. At the deer camp with three wannabe deer slayers. The upside is I don’t ever have to worry about us starving. :whoo:

Weather Woes

ok so earlier in the week I posted about rainy days and how I loved them…of course that’s BEFORE we got a bazillion inches of rain, tornadoes and massive flooding. :oops:

Seriously, what started out as a nice rain shower turned into a mammoth rain event. Last year it was Hurricane Rita, this year huge floods. Lovely. One family I know of JUST got their house repaired from all the Rita damage. Well, then a tornado ripped through and demolished their house. Think they’re wondering who the hell they pissed off?

Southeast Texas looks like a friggin’ lake. There are neighborhoods under TWENTY feet of water. I kid you not. Village creek which had been very dry prior to this week’s rain, we’re talking maybe 6 inches deep in parts. Uhm it’s overflowed its banks and spilled WAY over into connecting areas. They’ve been getting people out of their houses in boats. I feel like I’m on an island because my town is actually one of the highest points in our area. But the neighboring communities? A complete clusterfuck.

So I think I’ll take back all I said about lovely rainy days. Several counties here are being declared disaster areas. Gee, like we didn’t get enough of that LAST year for the hurricane. :cursesign: