I have a select few advance copies of In Bed WIth A Highlander that I am offering to reviewers and bloggers who are willing to read and post their thoughts on the story in return for receiving the book early. If you aren’t a reviewer or a blogger, don’t be sad! I also have copies that I will be giving away in a few contests I plan to run. But for this particular blog entry, I am asking for only those who have blogs or will post reviews to respond.
Here’s what I need for you to do and please read carefully because if you don’t follow the procedure it’s likely I won’t see or be able to consider your request.
Send an email to mayaATmayabanks.com with the subject header REVIEW COPY. If you don’t put this, I won’t see it. It’s that simple.
In the body of the email, I need for you to give me the URL to your blog or your review site or wherever it is you plan to post your review or your thoughts, good or bad.
I’m asking that if you send a request and receive a copy, that you read and post your thoughts/review BEFORE August 30th. If you’re planning to post at places like BN or Amazon where you aren’t able until the book releases, please state that in your email.
Requests need to be in no later than July 17th because I’ll mail them out as SOON as I return from the World Series of Softball with my daughter.
Please do NOT POST YOUR REQUEST IN THE COMMENTS SECTION OF THIS BLOG POST. I won’t consider that an entry. I need all the info in the email as stated above. The only “string” or stipulation to getting an early copy is that you review or talk about. You do not have to love it. You do not have to post gushing things about the book. If you hate it, you’re free to say so. I will appreciate each and every person who takes the time to post their thoughts. I will not argue with you, stalk you or otherwise act like an author off her meds ;)
This is also open to international bloggers and reviewers as all my contests are.
On the cut off date of the 17th, I will randomly draw from the entries received since I don’t have enough copies to accommodate everyone. I will then send you an email requesting your mailing address. You will only have one or two days to get back to me because I have to mail them the week of the 17th before I leave on vacation so be aware of all the fine print involved in this giveaway!
I think that about covers everything :)