I’ll be at the Arlington Heights Borders in Arlington Texas tomorrow from 1-4pm signing copies of Sweet Temptation (and whatever else readers want me to sign!) Â So if you’re in the area, I’d love to meet you!
Also, I’ve had many, many, many…emails regarding Sweet Temptation not being available in ebook format and particularly for Kindle. Â Believe me when I say, there is nothing more I’d love than to have that book immediately available to readers on RELEASE day. Â Unfortunately I have absolutely not control and no say so. The issue is between Amazon and my publisher and it’s my understanding that as soon as a new agreement is struck that the books will be available for Kindle.
This is very frustrating and disappointing for readers and authors.  The last thing an author wants is for a reader NOT to be able to get our books.  And as  read who owns a Kindle and buys ALL of my books in electronic format, I’m bummed because *I* can’t get the books I want either.
I sincerely apologize to all the readers who were looking forward to getting Sweet Temptation. Â I’m grateful that so many of you wanted the book, truly, it means a great deal to me and I cannot express how disappointed I am that you aren’t able to purchase it in the format you desire.
Hopefully none of us will have to wait long for the books to become available.