Here’s the cover for my September 2007 Berkley Heat release, For Her Pleasure. What do you think? Like it or hate it? And yes, I invite honest response :lol2:
Outta Here
:weee: :drunk:
See ya Sunday night!
Overheard is now available from Samhain Publishing. :elephant: It went on sale last night and this morning when I got up at dark thirty, it was listed in the top ten at My Bookstore and More giving me three titles in the list. :banana: Won’t ever happen again so I had to oggle for a bit and enjoy the sight :lol2:
Lord I'm tired
But what an awesome weekend. Had more fun than a human being should be allowed. :weee:
Spent the weekend in West Texas (beautiful country!) hunting, hanging out at the deer camp, bullshitting and having fun. Froze our ASSES off mind you. But still, couldn’t have asked for a more fun trip.
This week is insanely busy. I have list day duties today. Release day is tonight/tomorrow. I have a mountain of laundry to do before I fly out to Washington on Thursday. OMG I can’t WAIT! :drunk:
Overheard releases tonight in ebook format. :elephant: AND Colters’ Woman releases in print AND the Caught by Cupid print anthology also releases. :whoo:
Exciting week shaping up around here :cheer:
Oh Fuck Me
Just wrote this big ole long rah rah pep talk kicking my own arse blog post, hit publish and got a stupid error message and lost the whole damn thing. I’m sick and am in a Nyquil induced coma, and Im SO not in the mood for wordpress’s shit. :cursesign:
Ugh. Maybe I should go to bed because clearly the rah rah happy happy crap just didn’t cut it. Maybe it was a sign from God that he can take only so much gushing from me in a day.
So I’ll steal Jaci’s Monday “to do” list since I think it’s cool and maybe I can kick some hiney tomorrow when the kids FINALLY go back to school. :elephant:
1. Kick it in gear on my Berkley single title. It’s all plotted out (no one have a heart attack, it was a necessary evil because I had to turn in a proposal for it.)
2. Finish a short story project I’ve been sneaking pages on. (only after meeting the targetted page count for the above book)
3. Figure out my work schedule, write it out, stick to it.
I’ve not exactly been in a creative mood for the last week or so. Things have been nuts. Christmas, kids are at home, hubby’s been at home. :help: So I haven’t been getting much done, and I’ve been waiting for my characters to start talking to me again. They tend to shut up when they start getting drowned out by all the other voices around me.
And of course, they choose the time when I’ve gone to bed to start yammering. And not just one set. No, that I could handle. But I literally have characters from three diffferent stories all vying for my attention. They talk and talk and talk. Then they get louder and I get snippets from all sorts of different people.
Is it any wonder I’m up trying to sort through all the shit in my head? My head is a very, very scary place to be right now. Trust me. :beam:
Her Majesty, My Love now available!
I’m sooo excited because my first adventure historical, Her Majesty, My Love which is published under my other pen name, Sharon Long is now available through Samhain Publishing. I love, love, love this book, and I hope that readers enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
My slacking days are over
ok you probably don’t believe me. I’m not so sure I believe it either :lol2: BUT me, who never ever makes New Year’s Resolutions, am resolving to make better use of my time. I’ve curtailed a lot of my “distractions” and I’m buckling down to become better organized and become more efficient. God help me.
Christmas is over, and for the first time ever, I’m a little relieved. I stayed up late last night (only chance for peace and quiet with the kids home for their holiday break) and made a list of what I need to get done and on what timeline. It doesn’t leave much room for fucking off. I made some goals, and if I intend to realize them, it’s going to take some dicipline. 2006 was an amazing, terrific year. Twenty years from now, I know I’ll look back and remember this as one of the best years of my life. If I want 2007 to come close in that respect, I’m going to have to get off my ass and pour on the get r done.
Hopefully this time next year, I can look back with a sense of accomplishment and not dismay. :woot:
Yay! Understood is out!
Understood is now available at My Bookstore and More :weee: Click over. You know you want it. :lol2:
Favorite Christmas Songs
Gwen tagged me to list my 5 favorite Christmas songs. LOL. Ok I’ll admit it, I’m a Christmas music nut. I drive my husband nuts because I usually start listening to it before Thanksgiving. But I AM picky. I’ll only listen to the classics (what I deem the classics lol) If it’s sung by an artist say in the last 20 years, it’s too modern for me. :lol2:
1. Christmas Eve as sung by Perry Como
2. The Most Wonderful Time of the Year as sung by Andy Williams
3. I’ll Be Home for Christmas (Perry Como and Andy Williams both sing this *g*)
4. Sleigh Ride as performed by Bert Kaempfert
5. The Christmas Song as sung by Andy Williams
I’ll tag Larissa, because I know she’s as big a Christmas nut as I am, plus it’ll annoy the hell out of Steph. :lol2: