Oh boy how time does get away from me. I asked several weeks ago for reading recs and boy did you guys deliver! I bought a ton of books and read many of them, though I still have several I haven’t gotten to but I can’t wait! Because I really liked several of the books you guys recommended.
Here’s what I loved!
A Table For Three by Lainey Reese
I’ve gone on record saying I don’t read a whole lot of of erotic romance and I rarely (and I mean almost never!) read menages because I’m so picky about them and I get really emotional about books when I read them and they make an impression and so I’ve read a few that just made my heart hurt and I’m thinking NO NO NO as I read them, so the result is I just don’t read them anymore. But holy shit I LOVED this book. LOVED it. I loved it so much that I emailed the author WHINING because the next book wasn’t out and then I made an ass of myself asking WHEN and PRETTY PLEASE. Ok so I begged. I’m not too proud to admit it. This author has talent. I mean mad talent. Loved her writing. Loved the way she did everything. For me the book was just perfect. So here’s my rec. Go buy this book and read it! Seriously. I’m going to give away a few copies at my upcoming Facebook party just because I loved it that much.
Night is Darkest by Jayne Rylon
I went into this with a little prejudice. Jayne knows this lol. I don’t like menages where there is m/m And no it isn’t BECAUSE of the m/m. I just hurts my heart lol. Because for me I like the woman to absolutely be the center of the relationship and for the focus to be on HER. ANd if the guys are involved romantically the heroine is at some point left out because there is a part of their relationship she can never touch so to speak. I won’t bore you with my issues lol, but suffice it to say I was nervous about reading this book. BUT and I absolutely have no problem admitting when I’m wrong. I really did like the book. It just worked for me. I thought the relationships were well done and the author sold me on the idea that the heroine would be happy and not “left out” heh.
Mouth to Mouth by Erin McCarthy
LOVED this book. Seriously loved it. It just hit all my buttons. I don’t have a wordy “analysis” of the book or a detailed review where I break down what the author did at points A, B and C. I just LOVED it. Really no further explanation is needed!
Male Me by Amarinda Jones
Ok again I wasn’t sure about this book going in. But I held my breath and dove in and was very glad I did. The “suspense” part seemed thrown in and actually it was totally unnecessary because the rest of the book was just so much FUN and I loved the characters, especially the heroes so much that I just glazed over the part about the dude after the heroine. I can forgive that because the rest of the book was just fabulous.
Falke’s Peak by Anna Leigh Keaton and Madison Layle
This was a really fun, cute book and I love the beginning and the middle. It lacked a really emotional dark moment and for me this is usually a deal breaker because there just really wasn’t one. It was sort of anticlimactic and like…well okay let’s get back together. BUT the rest of the book was so fun that again I could overlook this. I looked to see if there was info on future books but couldn’t find any info which made me sad :(
Christmas With Her Boss by Marion Lennox
LOVED this one too. It just was one of those feel good “sigh” books. It gave me warm fuzzies and any book that can do that for me has my enduring gratitude
I’m still working on my list of books and still have several to read, but I thought I’d update you on the books I enjoyed from the list of recommendations yall gave me. Table For Three gets my highest “oh yeah!” reaction. This book is available in ebook and it also just released in print so run out and grab it because it was just YUMMY. And I can’t wait for the next book in the series!