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Sweet Persuasion winners!

Hey guys, it’s Friday! :whoo:

Here are the winners of Sweet Persuasion. Remember you only have a short time to claim your book. I’m mailing everything Monday morning.

Booklover1335, comment #3

Funkywaterdino, comment #21

Mikaela, comment #10

Lindylou, comment #18

Congrats! Don’t forget to email me at with your snail mail addy by early Monday morning or your book finds another home.

6 thoughts on “Sweet Persuasion winners!”

  1. azteclady says:

    *applause* Congrats, winners!

    (I love starting the weekend with free books, don’t you?)

  2. Melissa says:

    Congrats, ladies!!!

  3. :woot: Can’t believe I won!!! Sending you my addy RIGHT NOW!

  4. Jessie says:

    congrats ladies

  5. kh says:

    wtg winners

  6. Michelle Kelly says:

    :whoo: Congratulations ladies.

    My copy of “Sweet Persuasion” just arrived in the mail from Amazon. I am doubly pleased because I also ordered “Unbroken” too. So uhm, guess what I’ll be doing this weekend! :lol2:

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