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Dear youngest child

My only daughter, I love you dearly. I love all the hugs and snuggles you’ve given me in the last week.

While you were sick.

The smoochy, lovey kisses.

While you were sick.

I love you to pieces. What I do not love is the fact that you contaminated me with your germies :kap:


Your grumpy, tired, sick, hacking-up-a-lung mother


7 thoughts on “Dear youngest child”

  1. Melissa says:

    :sack: Poor Maya!!
    Hope you feel better soon, and don’t pass the cooties along to anyone else!!

  2. Billi Jean says:


    OH Maya, soo sorry!! And here we thought you had all those hunky heros hog tied and licked all day. Feel better, hugs, billi jean

  3. Mad says:

    Awww, feel better soon, Maya!

  4. Blanche says:

    Oh no Maya!! Feel better soon……….and don’t pass it back because then you might get it again, atleast that is how it always works at my house!!!

  5. Claudia says:

    Poor Poor Maya! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

  6. Greta says:

    Hope you feel better soon – Maya. Take care. Curl up with Theron.

  7. Jenn says:

    Maya I feel your pain, my sons love to give me their germs when they are sick too.

    Feel Better Soon

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