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Contract news

This might be of interest to those of you who have emailed me asking when/if Stay With Me would be available in print. I just contracted Songbird which will release as an ebook this June from Samhain and will be paired with Stay WIth Me in a print duet in early 2010. So good news for Stay With Me :cheer:

I’ve also just contracted the third Falcon book for those of you asking me what my plans were for the rest of the Falcon team members. Right now I’m thinking Mad Dog. Pretty set on him being the third story but don’t kill me if it changes! :lol2:

If all goes well those will release as ebooks in June and September of this year. I also have another story contracted with Loose ID called Sevren’s Rule which should also release this year.

Does anyone get the impression I won’t be crawling out of my hole much this year? :kap:

2 thoughts on “Contract news”

  1. Angela H. says:

    Very cool! What story is Songbird? And what genre is Sevren’s Rule? What genre is Songbird? What group does each story belong to or are they stand alones? As you can tell you have made me curious…lol. Thanks for the heads up on the new ones.. Have a great weekend.

  2. Karin says:

    Thanks for the updates!

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