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Busy weekend but fun!

Hubby and I got up Saturday morning, okay, we dragged out of bed because we were out playing poker Friday night and didn’t get in until the wee hours of the morning. We had to go into town to get my middle son a new bat because he started practice for his select baseball team today. After we got home, we started putting the desk together, and we spent hours and hours lol. Took a break to go grocery shopping and came back to cook and put together some more. We got everything but the cabinet with the drawers in it done last night and hit the bed late.

This morning my daughter (she’s sooo cute!) cooked up pancakes. She’s getting to be such a wiz in the kitchen. After breakfast hubby and I folded 16 loads of laundry that we caught up on at the end of this week lol. Then I had to cram in some pages while hubby put together the cabinets because I didn’t get anything written yesterday. Then we had to hurry out to middle child’s practice. Afterwards we ran into town to pick up fish for tonight’s supper and now hubby is cooking while I flop in front of the fire with the laptop to try and get the remaining pages written. Gotta love that man :hug:

But the desk is finished and I moved all my stuff in today. I have this really cool pin board that runs the entire length of one side of the desk. It’s awesome because I have pictures and papers I don’t want to lose pinned up where I can see them. I have lots of nooks and crannies and cubbies to keep all my notebooks and pens and office supplies (because notebooks and pens are VERY important)

To celebrate I think I’m going to go buy a few more notebooks *g*

2 thoughts on “Busy weekend but fun!”

  1. Karin says:

    You definitely had a busy weekend, but it sounds like you got quite a bit accomplished.

  2. Brandy W says:

    Because of all that notebook talk recently I had to go out and get a few the other day. Now I have a pretty one for the books I’ve read and small ones for my purse of books to buy. :eatchoc:

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