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Bound, Branded and Brazen winners!

Are Jennifer D, comment #25

Tracy D, comment #83

Congrats! Email your address to and I’ll get your book preordered for you :)


8 thoughts on “Bound, Branded and Brazen winners!”

  1. :cheer:Congrats to the lucky winners!

    jackie b central texas

  2. Maria says:

    Congrats to the Winners!

  3. Armenia says:

    Congratulations, winners!! Happy reading.

  4. Ina says:

    congrats ladies :cheer:

  5. Angela H. says:

    Congrats to the winners!! Thanks Maya for the great giveaway….

  6. Vee Ndah says:

    Congratulations, ladies! :cheer:

  7. elaing8 says:

    congrats to the winners

  8. Tracey D says:

    Thanks for the book and congratulations. I’ve conacted you, Maya!

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