freezing my ass off! ai yi yi. So last weekend was my son’s first baseball tournament. It rained on us, cold front moved through and the wind blew about 40mph all weekend. It was miserable. Then it warmed up during the week. As in it was freaking hot and we ran the a/c. Just in time for this weekend’s tournament? Yeah, cold and windy again.
I’ve got a cold, my face is chapped and I’m grumpy.
And I’m starting to panic over my San Fran trip coming up in less than two weeks. :help:
Our weather has been doint similar things. Insanely warm (for Colorado) during the week and less so on the weekend. Me, I’m just hoping for some more snow. It’s still winter darn it – it should not be 74 degrees!
I am with you girl, my girls and I play softball and my son plays baseball 2 weeks ago during try outs we were sweating our a**s off but the last couple weeks of practice has been freezing a** cold. Makes absolutely no sense. And the pansy-a** guys I play with on the weekends are whining about it being too cold and the other team I play with is womens league and they aren’t complaining at all! Go Grin and bare it girl it we will be sweating before you know