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Sometimes a Cadbury egg just makes everything right.

Yes, I realize that it’s not even Valentines, and I have no idea why my Walmart is stocking cadbury eggs and Reeses peanut butter eggs, but hey, I’m not complaining. Easter candy rocks the socks off valentines candy anyway.

This week is really slugging by for me. I feel like a sloth. I’ve been getting all the little shit done which is good since I’ve done little else, namely the BIG things like finishing my novella….

I’m getting spoiled. I just got back from a week long vacation to Vegas with hubby but I’m already ready for another one. Somewhere. Anywhere. A girlfriend of mine and me are planning a trip the last week of Feb, so hopefully I won’t have too long to wait :whoo:

But hey, it WAS my sole resolution at New Years, to spend more time with people I love this year. :hug: